Success doesn't happen by accident; It requires implementing relevant and timely fundamental business strategies backed by good systems...

What were you taught about running a profitable business?

Most business owners go into business to create a better lifestyle for themselves and their family, or to take on the challenge of entrepreneurship, others go into business for themselves simply so they are their own boss. Unfortunately, once in business, there's no-one alongside them to show them 'the ropes'.

Very quickly you find business becomes very time consuming. Often finding yourself doing paperwork during your evenings, or on the weekends. Unlike employment, you find yourself spending your time at home thinking about all the 'tasks' or 'challenges' that need to be sorted, there's no more leaving work at work.

Then at work, you're spending some of your focus thinking about home and family life. The stress levels go up, yet the financial reward doesn't always reflect the extra time and effort you're putting in. You begin longing for more time to travel, more days off,

It doesn't have to be that way...

Introducing The 3-Phase Success System

Increase Profitability

As a business owner, profitability is the ultimate indicator of success. It is the cornerstone of a strong and enduring business, and it serves as a measure of the overall health of your organization. Unfortunately, too many business owners misunderstand the importance of increasing their profitability. They focus too much on short-term gains, rather than on long-term strategies that lead to more sustainable profits.

Business owners must learn to view their financials as more than just a number. Profitability should be seen as a goal, which requires careful planning and consideration. By understanding their financials, business owners can make more informed decisions that will lead to greater profitability. This includes understanding the cost of goods sold, overhead expenses, and the impact of taxes on their bottom line. Without a clear understanding of the financials, it is nearly impossible to increase profitability and achieve the success you desire.

Increase Profitability

As a business owner, profitability is the ultimate indicator of success. It is the cornerstone of a strong and enduring business, and it serves as a measure of the overall health of your organization. Unfortunately, too many business owners misunderstand the importance of increasing their profitability. They focus too much on short-term gains, rather than on long-term strategies that lead to more sustainable profits.

Business owners must learn to view their financials as more than just a number. Profitability should be seen as a goal, which requires careful planning and consideration. By understanding their financials, business owners can make more informed decisions that will lead to greater profitability. This includes understanding the cost of goods sold, overhead expenses, and the impact of taxes on their bottom line. Without a clear understanding of the financials, it is nearly impossible to increase profitability and achieve the success you desire.

Growth Roadmap

Growing a business takes hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn. For most business owners, however, it is difficult to break through the glass ceiling that keeps them from achieving explosive growth. While the fundamentals of business are the same, there are often incremental increases in areas such as marketing, customer experience, and operational efficiency that can lead to exciting levels of growth.

The truth is that many business owners don't know about these fundamental strategies, and even if they do, they often don't have the right mindset to implement them. Mindset is a key factor in business success, as many owners get stuck in a mindset of doing the same thing over and over, unable to break out of their comfort zone and try new things. It takes a willingness to embrace change and a willingness to learn in order to break through the glass ceiling and achieve consistent life-changing growth.

Growth Roadmap

Growing a business takes hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn. For most business owners, however, it is difficult to break through the glass ceiling that keeps them from achieving explosive growth. While the fundamentals of business are the same, there are often incremental increases in areas such as marketing, customer experience, and operational efficiency that can lead to exciting levels of growth.

The truth is that many business owners don't know about these fundamental strategies, and even if they do, they often don't have the right mindset to implement them. Mindset is a key factor in business success, as many owners get stuck in a mindset of doing the same thing over and over, unable to break out of their comfort zone and try new things. It takes a willingness to embrace change and a willingness to learn in order to break through the glass ceiling and achieve consistent life-changing growth.

Focused Action

Knowledge means nothing unless it is accompanied by action. Achieving success requires a clear and consistent focus on the business goals and objectives. It is important for business owners to have someone to be accountable to, such as a coach or mentor, so that they can stay on track to achieve their goals.   

The key to success is for the business owner to be the person who holds the beliefs and behaviours of the future successful them. It all comes down to mindset. Having a strong sense of purpose and the determination to make it happen are essential steps to success. Business owners need to have the courage to make difficult decisions and take calculated risks. With laser focus, the right mindset, and accountability, business owners can achieve greater levels of success.

Focused Action

Knowledge means nothing unless it is accompanied by action. Achieving success requires a clear and consistent focus on the business goals and objectives. It is important for business owners to have someone to be accountable to, such as a coach or mentor, so that they can stay on track to achieve their goals.   

The key to success is for the business owner to be the person who holds the beliefs and behaviours of the future successful them. It all comes down to mindset. Having a strong sense of purpose and the determination to make it happen are essential steps to success. Business owners need to have the courage to make difficult decisions and take calculated risks. With laser focus, the right mindset, and accountability, business owners can achieve greater levels of success.

How Do We Implement The 3-Phase Success System?

'The Business Edge' - The 8-Steps To YOUR Competitive Advantage

As a business owner, you know how important it is to stay ahead of the competition and keep your business running smoothly. But with all the demands of running a business, it can be hard to stay on top of the latest trends, strategies, and technologies.

That’s where ‘The Business Edge’ comes in.  This program is designed to help business owners like you stay ahead of the game by giving you the knowledge and tools you need to maximize your business’s potential. With ‘The Business Edge’, you will learn how to leverage the latest technologies, resources, and trends to your advantage. You’ll also get access to experienced business professionals who can provide you with valuable advice and guidance. 

The ‘Business Edge’ coaching program is an investment in the future of your business. With the tools, resources, and support you receive from the program, you’ll be able to take your business to the next level. Don’t wait any longer - join ‘The Business Edge’ today and get the edge you need to succeed.

The Language of Business

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the financial aspects of your business? Are you struggling to gain control of the money that's coming in and out? 

Let us help you take control of your business finances. We start with your numbers so you can quickly develop the confidence to create more profitability without adding to your workload. 

With our help, you'll gain a clear understanding of your Profit & Loss Statements, enabling you to make high quality business decisions. We'll provide you with the tools to set up a pricing model that is both competitive and consistently profitable. 

By making small tweaks to your Balance Sheet and business structures, we'll help protect your business investment and give you a strong understanding of short/medium term sales. We'll also review your key business performance ratios each month to make sure we spot any red flags or celebrate your growth. 

Take the stress out of managing your business finances and start creating the financial future you deserve. Let us help you take control of your money flow.

The Dream

Are you feeling lost and overwhelmed in your business? Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels without making any real progress? The solution to your challenges is gaining clarity. With a clear vision, you'll have the direction and focus to propel you towards success.

We help you get the clarity and direction you need to build a successful business. Our process starts with getting an understanding of where you are now, and where you want to be. We will then create a roadmap for you to follow, full of achievable goals and milestones, so you can see your progress along the way.

Having a clear vision for your business is essential for success. You'll have the confidence to make decisions quickly and effectively, knowing that each one is taking you closer to your desired outcome. You'll also have the power to design your business to meet the needs of your customers, ensuring their loyalty and satisfaction.

The Dream will help you find the clarity, direction and confidence to build the business of your dreams. Let's start your journey towards success.

X-Factor Mindset

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

X-Factor Mindset is here to help you realize your full potential. Our program is designed to help business owners uncover their hidden potential and reach the highest heights of success. With our unique approach to propelling your vision forward, using the latest scientific breakthroughs in human biology, you can unlock the power of your unconscious mind to achieve your goals faster and more effectively.

We will help you dig deep and identify your 'Golden' values and use them to drive your experiences. Through our program, you will be able to break through any conflicts or barriers that have been preventing you from succeeding. We will help you push beyond your comfort zone, so you can reach the level of success you have been dreaming of. 

Take the first step to realizing your full potential. Are you ready to transform your business today.

7-Pillars Plan

Are you looking for a comprehensive business plan to guide your hard decisions? Do you need a plan to help you develop and grow your most valuable asset? 

Look no further! This module is designed to help business owners like you. We'll provide you with a business plan that will help you define the management steps required to go from where you are now to where you want to be. You'll learn how to identify opportunities in the market and understand your competition. Plus, you'll gain insight into your ideal client, so you can attract business rather than having to chase it. To top it all off, you'll be prepared for your exit strategy from the start, helping you to build a stronger, more valuable asset. 

Don't wait any longer to get the help you need to succeed. Is today the day to take your business to the next level?


Unlock the power of your data with Insights and you’ll be on your way to success. 

Our team of experts will sit down with you and uncover all the possible KPIs worth tracking for your business. We’ll then provide you with a comprehensive report of key performance indicators that you can use to measure your progress. With our monthly reviews and analysis, you’ll be able to make informed decisions and stay on track with your goals.

By leveraging our insights system, you’ll have the power to monitor your business from anywhere. You’ll be able to make data-driven decisions and get an accurate picture of your progress. Plus, when you’re ready to exit, you’ll have historical data that will be attractive to potential purchasers of your business. 

Take control of your business and unlock its potential with Insights. With the right metrics and data, you can improve your performance and build a successful business.


We understand that setting yourself apart from the competition is essential to your success. That's why we offer our signature business growth strategy, the Market-Dominating Position (MDP).

The MDP is a unique approach that focuses on your target clients and what matters most to them. With this powerful strategy, you can become the first choice in your industry. Our expertise allows you to understand your customers better than they know themselves, uncover the true magnetic potential of your business, and develop the right messaging that puts you head and shoulders above the rest.

Our team of experienced professionals offers guidance and support every step of the way, so you don't get overwhelmed or too busy to do each task required. With Ignite, you can create the perfect messaging that will enter the head of your client with the thoughts they're already thinking, drawing them directly to you!

Discover why Ignite is the go-to business growth strategy for business owners around the world.

Growth Accelerator

Are you and your business ready to take the next step towards extraordinary growth?

The Growth Accelerator provides a comprehensive process designed to help you uncover new strategies and ideas that can help you get the most out of your business. With this workshop, you can expect to see a dramatic improvement in your profits and success.

You will get a full day of insight and ideas to help you make better decisions and increase your financial performance. We will provide you with a detailed report of all the strategies and ideas uncovered during the workshop.

With the right strategies at the right time, we take you on a step-by-step journey to accelerate your business growth to levels you hadn't thought possible. We will link the relevant strategies to our Insights system to monitor your growth and provide you with better decision-making and higher confidence in your business operations.

Stop giving your hard-earned money to your competition, and start taking control of your business and your future.

7-Pillars Momentum

Do you feel alone in business? You're not alone. iKULUTU.com is here to help. 

Our Momentum Meeting structure provides you with the support you need to stay on top of your business and make well reasoned decisions. We offer unlimited access to our support team, regular meetings to review your business operations and accountability software to keep track of your progress. 

At iKULUTU.com, we specialise in out-of-the-box thinking to help you transform challenges into opportunities. Our clients love the feeling of not being alone in business anymore. With our help, you'll have access to the expertise and guidance you need to grow and succeed. 

Don't face business alone. Reach out to iKULUTU.com and get the support you need to take your business to the next level.

The Language of Business

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the financial aspects of your business? Are you struggling to gain control of the money that's coming in and out? 

Let us help you take control of your business finances. We start with your numbers so you can quickly develop the confidence to create more profitability without adding to your workload. 

With our help, you'll gain a clear understanding of your Profit & Loss Statements, enabling you to make high quality business decisions. We'll provide you with the tools to set up a pricing model that is both competitive and consistently profitable. 

By making small tweaks to your Balance Sheet and business structures, we'll help protect your business investment and give you a strong understanding of short/medium term sales. We'll also review your key business performance ratios each month to make sure we spot any red flags or celebrate your growth. 

Take the stress out of managing your business finances and start creating the financial future you deserve. Let us help you take control of your money flow.

The Dream

Are you feeling lost and overwhelmed in your business? Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels without making any real progress? The solution to your challenges is gaining clarity. With a clear vision, you'll have the direction and focus to propel you towards success.

We help you get the clarity and direction you need to build a successful business. Our process starts with getting an understanding of where you are now, and where you want to be. We will then create a roadmap for you to follow, full of achievable goals and milestones, so you can see your progress along the way.

Having a clear vision for your business is essential for success. You'll have the confidence to make decisions quickly and effectively, knowing that each one is taking you closer to your desired outcome. You'll also have the power to design your business to meet the needs of your customers, ensuring their loyalty and satisfaction.

The Dream will help you find the clarity, direction and confidence to build the business of your dreams. Let's start your journey towards success.

X-Factor Thinking

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

X-Factor Thinking is here to help you realize your full potential. Our program is designed to help business owners uncover their hidden potential and reach the highest heights of success. With our unique approach to propelling your vision forward, using the latest scientific breakthroughs in human biology, you can unlock the power of your unconscious mind to achieve your goals faster and more effectively.

We will help you dig deep and identify your 'Golden' values and use them to drive your experiences. Through our program, you will be able to break through any conflicts or barriers that have been preventing you from succeeding. We will help you push beyond your comfort zone, so you can reach the level of success you have been dreaming of. 

Take the first step to realizing your full potential. Are you ready to transform your business today.

7-Pillars Plan

Are you looking for a comprehensive business plan to guide your hard decisions? Do you need a plan to help you develop and grow your most valuable asset? 

Look no further! This module is designed to help business owners like you. We'll provide you with a business plan that will help you define the management steps required to go from where you are now to where you want to be. You'll learn how to identify opportunities in the market and understand your competition. Plus, you'll gain insight into your ideal client, so you can attract business rather than having to chase it. To top it all off, you'll be prepared for your exit strategy from the start, helping you to build a stronger, more valuable asset. 

Don't wait any longer to get the help you need to succeed. Is today the day to take your business to the next level?


Unlock the power of your data with Insights and you’ll be on your way to success. 

Our team of experts will sit down with you and uncover all the possible KPIs worth tracking for your business. We’ll then provide you with a comprehensive report of key performance indicators that you can use to measure your progress. With our monthly reviews and analysis, you’ll be able to make informed decisions and stay on track with your goals.

By leveraging our insights system, you’ll have the power to monitor your business from anywhere. You’ll be able to make data-driven decisions and get an accurate picture of your progress. Plus, when you’re ready to exit, you’ll have historical data that will be attractive to potential purchasers of your business. 

Take control of your business and unlock its potential with Insights. With the right metrics and data, you can improve your performance and build a successful business.


We understand that setting yourself apart from the competition is essential to your success. That's why we offer our signature business growth strategy, the Market-Dominating Position (MDP).

The MDP is a unique approach that focuses on your target clients and what matters most to them. With this powerful strategy, you can become the first choice in your industry. Our expertise allows you to understand your customers better than they know themselves, uncover the true magnetic potential of your business, and develop the right messaging that puts you head and shoulders above the rest.

Our team of experienced professionals offers guidance and support every step of the way, so you don't get overwhelmed or too busy to do each task required. With Ignite, you can create the perfect messaging that will enter the head of your client with the thoughts they're already thinking, drawing them directly to you!

Discover why Ignite is the go-to business growth strategy for business owners around the world.

Growth Accelerator

Are you and your business ready to take the next step towards extraordinary growth?

The Growth Accelerator provides a comprehensive process designed to help you uncover new strategies and ideas that can help you get the most out of your business. With this workshop, you can expect to see a dramatic improvement in your profits and success.

You will get a full day of insight and ideas to help you make better decisions and increase your financial performance. We will provide you with a detailed report of all the strategies and ideas uncovered during the workshop.

With the right strategies at the right time, we take you on a step-by-step journey to accelerate your business growth to levels you hadn't thought possible. We will link the relevant strategies to our Insights system to monitor your growth and provide you with better decision-making and higher confidence in your business operations.

Stop giving your hard-earned money to your competition, and start taking control of your business and your future.

7-Pillars Momentum

Do you feel alone in business? You're not alone. iKULUTU.com is here to help. 

Our Momentum Meeting structure provides you with the support you need to stay on top of your business and make well reasoned decisions. We offer unlimited access to our support team, regular meetings to review your business operations and accountability software to keep track of your progress. 

At iKULUTU.com, we specialise in out-of-the-box thinking to help you transform challenges into opportunities. Our clients love the feeling of not being alone in business anymore. With our help, you'll have access to the expertise and guidance you need to grow and succeed. 

Don't face business alone. Reach out to iKULUTU.com and get the support you need to take your business to the next level.

How To Give Your Business




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To Find Out More...

Thank you for your interest in our 3-Phase Success System! If you'd like to find out more, please fill out the form below with any questions you may have. We'd be delighted to discuss your situation with you over the phone and will be in touch shortly.

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