Financial Insights

1. Core Data (Mandatory)

Please fill out these fields before choosing your calculator

Enter your Core data (Find this information from your Annual Profit & Loss Statement)
Revenue / Sales for last financial year Include "Other Income". Eg. Interest $
What is your COGS? Including WAGES (not administration), purchases & subcontractors $
Your GP (Gross Profit) 0%
What are your overheads? Administration wages included. Owners salary excluded! $
What is your owner's salary / wage? $
Your Net Profit $0
Your Net Profit % 0%
Annual value of active client $(Estimate) (e.g. Total Sales / number of active clients) = $

Choose Your Calculator

NOTE: Each calculator draws information from the core data above. Each calculator is stand alone i.e. not related to the other calculators

2. The Sales Mountain

Current Net Profit Net Profit from Core Data $0.00
Additional Profit $ Input your profit target to achieve your annual tangible goal (e.g. lump sum mortgage payment) $
Total Profit Target Net Profit plus additional profit target $0.00
Owners Salaries Your annual salary / drawings / wage (1. Core Data) $0.00
Overheads Your total overheads p.a. (i.e. excluding chargeable personnel costs) (1. Core Data) $0.00
Subtotal Financial commitment your gross profit must cover $0.00
GP Percent Last Year? The GP can be overriden here => %
Target Revenue 0
Less last years sale $ (Refer 1. Core Data) 0
Sales gap | What's required $ 0
Number of active clients #? 0
Target # additional clients To achieve SALES GAP 0
Number of FTE Last Year? Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff last year (ex admin staff)?
Sales Per FTE Average Turnover / Sales per FTE = 0
Required FTE = 0 Additional FTE

3. The Exponential Growth Measure

Your Business Details at a Glance
Revenue $0.00
COGS $0.00 0%
Gross Profit $0.00 Revenue minus COGS
Gross Profit Percentage 0%
Overheads $0.00 0%
Owner/s Salary $0.00 0%
Net Profit $0.00 Gross profit minus Overheads & Owner's salary / wage
Net Profit 0%
The Power of Exponential Growth in Three Areas
Scenario Result
Revenue Sales (inc. Other Income - e.g. Interest ) $0.00 $0.00
COGS (Direct wages, purchases & subcontractors etc) $0.00 $0.00
Gross Profit $0.00 Revenue minus COGS
Gross Profit Percentage 0%
Overheads (Inc. Admin wages + any marketing costs) $0.00 $0.00
Owner/s Salary $0.00
Net Profit $0.00 Gross profit minus Overheads & Salaries
Net Profit 0% Gross profit minus overheads and owners salaries / wages
Net Profit Gained 0% Percentage increase in your net profit percentage
By not implementing exponential growth strategies, how much would you have to generate to achieve the same result
Exponential Net Profit $0.00 After exponential growth
Original Net Profit $0.00
New Net Profit Gain $0.00 The difference between original and new profit
Original GP % 0%
NEW BUSINESS REQUIRED $0.00 New Net Profit divided by Original GP
Orignal Revenue $0.00
New Revenue Required $0.00 Original Revenue plus New Business Required
% Revenue Increase Required 0% Increase in revenue from original percentage
No. of New Clients Required
Indicative Client Yearly Value Total sales divided by active clients $0 0 Number of new clients needed
Cost of Previous advertising Use the average spend for marketing, of the last three years.
Clients gained Use the average of NEW clients per year, of the last three years.
Cost to acquire the new clients $0.00
Needed Per Month 0 # Needed per month to achieve year goal
Needed Per Week 0 # Needed per week to achieve year goal
Needed Per Day 0 # Needed per day to achieve year goal

4. FB AD Campaign Calculator

Question $ or # Extra Description
Average client value per year $
Average client engagment # How many years?
Gross profit margin %

0% What %?
Long term value of a client $0.00 (Service fee x ACE x GP)
The Funnel Calculator
How much you can spend each month on FB marketing plus make a profit.
What is your monthly ad budget $ $1000?
Average FB Cost Per Click for your industry / sector $ e.g. 1.72? ( Research your industry data expectations )
Therefore clicks expected # 0 (Budget / CPC)
% of people that clicked who sign up to the webinar / seminar %
Number of seminar / webinar leads # 0 (Clicks * Conversion Rate)
Expected attendance % rate to this event %
Amount that actually attend % (Attendance Rate * Leads)
Close rate to new client ( Sales conversion rate ) %
Number of new clients # (Attended * close rate)
Number of new clients #
Profit per client (LTV)
Total lifetime campaign value
Campaign Ad Cost

Total Gross Campaign Value

LTV Return on Investment

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